SMITHS LITES (AUS) 1995 [all non-word vocal audio for Julia Louis Dreyfus]

Sometimes on-set they don't record all of the actors lines properly. Or they get the lines, but not the vocal grimaces, laughs etc. Whether it's replacing lines which were poorly recorded, replacing the accent or adding incidental vocal sounds - when you do it well, nobody is supposed to notice it.
I've done HEAPS of vocal Foley work over the years, in part because I also worked in recording studios on the production side for many years, so I was always handy to fill in. I've also done SHIZZLOADS of incidental and crowd work on all the animations I have worked on - literally hundreds of characters of all ages, gender and species. Feck knows where it all is now!
UNDERBELLY CHOPPER TV movie (AUS) [extra voices for 9 year old boys, schoolgirls and strippers]


If you a WORK CONTACT of my mum, and you came here to hear her SAYING THINGS FOR MONEY
because of me, please tell her to give me chips.